Quantitative UX Analytics

Quantitative UX Analytics.

The build-in analytics help you to understand if your designs work or not. Test with real users and get immediate feedback.

The build-in analytics help you to understand if your designs work or not. Test with real users and get immediate feedback.


Use the analytic canvas to get insights into the user's interaction. Heatmaps will tell you where the users have clicked, how much time they have spent on a screen or if they have scrolled to the right place.

User Journey

The user journey graph is one of the best tools to understand the user behavior. They graph uncovers usability problems and make it easy to find lost users.

Drop Offs

The drop off graph shows where your users struggle while performing a task and how much time they spend on each step.


The task dashboard shows the key performance indicators (KPI) at a single glance. Analyze the task performance to understand if your design works or not.

Outlier Analysis

The scatter plot and the integrated Outlier detection makes it easy to spot which users had problems.

Jump to the screen recordings to understand where they struggle

A / B Testing

The A / B test operator allows you to compare different design in one propotype. Choose the better version and create an improved version and benchmark it again.

Screen Recordings

Quant-UX creates screen recordings without any other software. Just send the 'Test Link' and everything works out of the box.


The interaction chart shows how many clicks the users need for each step in a task.

Process Testing

Go beyond simple 'Click Dummies' and understand how fast your user can fill-out forms and execute business processes.

Funnel Analysis

The duration chart allows you to understand where the users took the most time in a task.

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