Prototypes that feel real.

All prototypes are fully interactive. Use input widgets, animations and data to make your prototype feel like a real app.

Visual Designer

Use the powerful canvas to build amazing prototypes. Simply create screens, add functional components and create interactions through links.

Quant-UX is OpenSource and free

AI - Assistant

The AI design assistant can boost your productivty and create prototype fragments that you can fine tune. For instance you can ask the assistant to create a login form and style it afterwards.

Quant-UX is OpenSource and free

Design Systems

Build a scallable design system with components, design tokens and master screens .

Quant-UX is OpenSource and free


Use the Animation Composer to create stunning animations and make your prototypes feel more realistic.

Quant-UX is OpenSource and free

Rich Component Palette

You can start right away to design WireFrame, Survey, IOS or Android prototypes. All widgets are fully functional, so user can enter data or tick check boxes.

Quant-UX is OpenSource and free

Smart Tools

Smart tools like grid resizing, smart cloning and repeater grids speed up your workflow.

Quant-UX is OpenSource and free

A / B Testing

The A/B test operator allows you to compare different designs in one propotype. Simple wire an element to the A/B test and link the two variants.

Quant-UX is OpenSource and free

Business Logic

Model your business logic with REST requests and decision elements to control how the user navigates through your prototype.
Mark fields as required and specify valid input formats or use data binding to share user input across screens.

Quant-UX is OpenSource and free


You prefer to create your designs with other tools? No problem! Simply import your image files (.webp, .jpg, .psd) by dropping them on the canvas or download from Figma.

Quant-UX is OpenSource and free

Quant UX is awesome and free.
Start understanding your users now!