Open Source

Quant-UX is Open Source. This means you can download the code, improve it and contribute back to the comunity. You can find the sources at GitHub. The following section will outline the basic code structure and explain the main concepts. Afterwards, a short tutorial will explain how to write your own components, before the page ends with some hints about the code generation.

Some Background

The Quant-UX front-end is build with Vue.js, however not all code follows the standard Vue coding guidelines. The reason for this is the projects history. Initially the project was developed with the Dojo toolkit, and only recently the entire code base was ported to Vue.js. Dojo is in many aspects similar to Vue.js, but Dojo favours a code based UI assembly over a template based one. This means one creates Components (Widgets) in code using the "new" operator composes the UI by attaching these components to the DOM. To finish the porting in a reasonable time, certain sections of the code adopt therefore the code based UI composition. Also, Quant-UX comes with a small compatibility layer, thus you might find some instances of dojo interfaces within the code.

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